Building Bridges – Seeking Peace

Building bridges of unity in a fractured community and creating a place of peace to wrestle with the discomfort of personal struggles, the pain of past traumas, and the overwhelming love of Jesus.

Join Us

Sunday Fellowship: 10 – 10:15 a.m. and following the service
Sunday Worship: 10:15 – 11:30 a.m.
Communion: 1st Sunday of the Month
Children: We have a class available during the sermon for kids ages 5 – 11 who would like to participate
Dress: Casual/Comfortable

The Village Church

Sunday Worship is held in downtown St. George next door to Lourie Theatre and across the street from The Village Center.
202 N Parler Ave

The Village Center

The future home of TVC Community Center will be “The Village Center” across the street from The Village Church.
203 N Parler Ave.

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