Building Bridges – Seeking Peace
Building bridges of unity in a fractured community and creating a place of peace to wrestle with the discomfort of personal struggles, the pain of past traumas, and the overwhelming love of Jesus.
Join Us
Sunday Fellowship: 10 – 10:15 a.m. and following the service
Sunday Worship: 10:15 – 11:30 a.m.
Communion: 1st Sunday of the Month
Children: We have a class available during the sermon for kids ages 5 – 11 who would like to participate
Dress: Casual/Comfortable

The Village Church
Sunday Worship is held in downtown St. George next door to Lourie Theatre and across the street from The Village Center.
202 N Parler Ave

The Village Center
The future home of TVC Community Center will be “The Village Center” across the street from The Village Church.
203 N Parler Ave.

Reach Out
Please get in touch if you have questions about the church, if you need prayer for anything, or if you would like to connect with us in the community!